Monday, January 31, 2011

Ladybug, Ladybug, Get Out of My Home

Every other month our pest guy comes by, sprays the yard and outhouses, and then asks if we've had any problems inside. Generally, I shoo him away with a thank you. Next time, though, I'll have to ask for assistance inside. The girls found a ladybug in Irene's room, which absolutely thrilled them. It was as if they had seen a rainbow. I, however, tucked the incident away in my heart. After two more finds, I admit I am worried (and regretting the gift of a container of live ladybugs I gave to Irene for Easter last year). After having lived through more than one home infestation in my life I know as well as anyone that ladybugs are filthy pests deserving nothing less than mass elimination. Next time the bugman comes around, I'm sending him after the little devils.

Awww, isn't that so sweet and benign?
Have to be sure not to harm the little thing... hold the dear ever so carefully
Going to put it outside, where it belongs

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