May has been a wonderfully busy, exciting time for us. As anybody that crossed paths with Irene on May 5 already knows, Mary turned two. Irene was in a play and a dance recital (no pictures of that), and she finished up her year at Curious Mind. We all got to watch Sierra graduate. Hmmm... seems like I'm forgetting something, but whatever.
Rob had to be out of town the week of Mary's birthday. I tried to keep it special for her, anyway. She wanted to wear nothing but a headband around her neck and eat mac and cheese for breakfast, so that's just what she did.
She wanted to paint later in the day. The girls were so occupied, being so good, and the paint was so out of Mary's reach that I figured I could dash upstairs and take a turbo shower and they would never even know the difference. Eight minutes later, I was hosing them off outside.
My little Dryad. What would The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe be without them?
The Dryads' mascot peeped in the side door while they waited to go on stage.
During intermission I did, in fact, let my two year old roll around in the aisle with a pen. Ah! the difference between being a first born and being a second born...
Uncle Robert learned the hard way that if you lie with Bishop girls you will stand up with glitter.
That Saturday, we went to Grandma's to celebrate Mary's birthday some more. Irene loves Grandma's "jungle", and Mary loves num-nums, so picking beans was an ideal activity for them.
Mary got some great birthday presents, but what she really wanted was to hear Go, Dog, Go! for the eight hundredth time. GG to the rescue!
Turns out Mary's an icing kind of girl, too.
This is Irene occupying Mary while we got ready for the presentation of the fish (um, yes we got her fish for her birthday).
Irene is pretty good at getting herself dressed. I mean, if I send her upstairs with the directions to get dressed and ready to go, she comes down looking reasonably cute. And sometimes she comes down looking like an aggressive smurf.
This has been included because Irene loves this picture, and I love Irene.
After class on Tuesdays and Thursdays, Irene and Mary would often have playtime at the Curious Mind playground. This was the last day of class and we brought homegrown peaches, which were a smashing success.
Though we are not planning on returning next year, I am really glad Irene had the experience. She made some great friends. The CM was an excellent crutch, but now that I feel sufficiently plugged into the homeschooling community (oh, yuk, I hate this kind of use of the word "community"), we can save the money.
The happy couple obligingly pose for yet another picture.